"Your way beyound the square"
1524 Oat Road STE B * Chapman, KS 67431
785-479-2051 Phone * 785-479-2052 Fax

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Again, Welcome to the home of Z-Squared. From this main page, you can explore the other areas of our web site, from the "About Us" section, to actually shopping for your computer needs online, to learning about just what exactly we may be able to offer you.

Please do check back often as we continue to increase our web offerings. Feel free to offer any suggestions you may have regarding a service we can provide via our website or as a part of service offerings. Our goal is to provide professional service to you. Our most valuable asset and most effective advertising is your complete satisfaction.

Order any of our Nobilis systems online by clicking here!!!
[Nobilis Desktop]

[APC Sizing Icon]
We look forward to the opportunity to assist you with any of your computer or technology needs.

Check back soon as we continue to improve our web offerings to you and contact us at 785-479-2051 or email us at Info@z-squared.net for more information.